Saturday, December 1, 2012

Believe In Allah Because Allah Believe In You
I believe in Allah because
Allah believes in me
Allah elieves in you too
Believe in Allah plan for you
Have Faith in Allah
Trust Allah guidance to you
Because Allah has Faith in you and Trusts you
Allah created nothing in vain
Everything He does has a purpose
His creation of humanity was done with intent
Why were we created?
Many Muslims will automatically respond, “To Worship Allah”
But why does Allah want to be worshiped?
Why did Allah create everything else like the stars, planets, forests, seas, mountains, animals?
Without presuming to know Allah’s intentions, and returning to the realm of the human
Allah is Al-Khaaliq, The Creator
That is one of His names, one of His attributes
Allah expresses this attribute by creating
You are a part of that expression
Everything that Allah created is amazing in its function & awesomely complex in its design
Everything that He created is beautiful and purposeful including you and me
To create is an act of Love
It is an act of Faith
The Creator loves you and believes in you
Believe in Him, believe in yourself, believe in humanity, and believe in the unique path that Allah has chosen for you