In Islam, there are 2 types of deeds, Halal and Haram.
“What reason have you that you do not eat of that over which Allah name has been pronounced, whilst He has already explained to you the things He has forbidden to you, excepting that you are constrained (to eat out of necessity). And surely many mislead others by following their own fancies due to lack of knowledge. Your Lord knows best these transgressors”. (Quran Al Anam, 6:119)
True Muslims must avoid all that which Allah has forbidden, out of Faith in His Laws, in the hope of His reward and in fear of His punishment. We as True Muslims must believe that Allah does not forbid anything in Islamic Shariah (Religious Law of Islam) except that which is harmful and corrupt, whether we understand this rationally or not, because Allah said “But No, (not so as they have been asserted), by your Lord. They are no believers at all unless they refer all their disputes (that arise between them) to you for judgment, then they do not find any demur (protest) in their minds about the propriety of your judgment, and they submit to your decisions with entire submission”. (Quran Al Nisa, 4:65)
Halal حلا ل
means “permissible & lawful” in Islam. It can apply to any permissible practice or mode of behavior as well as it applies to the handling and consumption of food. Its antonym (opposite) is Haram (forbidden). Muslim permit all foods, pure and clean for consumption.
Haram حرام
means "forbidden” in Islam. It refer to anything that is prohibited by the word of Allah in the Quran or the Hadith Qudsi (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad as revealed to Him by Allah). Haram is the highest status of prohibition given to anything that would result in sin when a Muslim commits it. Its antonym (opposite) is Halal (allowed).
“O You who believe! Eat of the good and pure things. We have provide you with and render thanks to Allah, if it is He alone Whom you really worship”. (Quran Al Baqara, 2:172)
Haram included money earned through cheating, stealing, corruption, or any means that involves harm to another human being. It is prohibited in Islam for a true Muslim to profit from such Haram actions. True Muslim who benefits from or lives off wealth obtained through Haram is a Sinner.
“He has forbidden you only to eat carrion that which dies of itself, the blood, the flesh of swine and that over (the sacrifice of) which the name of someone other than Allah have been invoked, Yet he who is constrained (to use them) without desiring them nor going beyond the limits (of bare necessity), incurs no sin. Surely, Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful”. (Quran Al Baqara, 2:173)
“O You who believe! Intoxicants and games of chance, and alters set up for a false deities and divining arrows are only abominations, some of Satan’s handiworks, therefore shun each one of these abominations so that you may obtain your goal”. (Quran Al Maidah, 5:90)
In Quran, Haram is applied to:
· Actions (i.e.adultery, murder or homosexuality, gambling, suicide, work as prostitute, begging, abortion except for health)
· Food and drinks, such as pork and alcohol
· Some halal objects, foods or actions that are normally halal but under some conditions become haram, (i.e. halal food and drinks at noon-time during Ramadhan, a cow, another halal animal that is not slaughtered under the way and the name of Allah, eat the food with only the right hand and use the bathroom with left hand only)
Why Pig is haram in Islam?
Pigs are filthy (dirty) animals and like to eat carrion (flesh) and feaces (They even ate human excrement). Also, they like to be in dirty places. Pigs are also lazy animals and do not like to work (for feed). They have no resistance to sunlight, not agile, but ate greedily (rather eat and sleep), even the most greedy among other domesticated animals. As they get older, they tend to become more lazy and weak.
Pork is a type of meat that is very difficult to digest because it contains lots of fat. It is like poison (i.e. cholesterol). In addition, pork causes many disease such as hardening of the artery, increasing blood pressure, chest pain (angina pectoris), and inflammation of the joints.
Research also shows that pigs are host of many parasites and potential diseases. Pigs cannot be slaughtered because they have no neck. Also, science has examined the structure of pig DNA. It turns out that pig gene structure is similar to the structure of human genes. Thus it can be confirmed that the pig genes = human genes, the same same thing as eating human flesh (= cannibalism), SubhanAllah.
Allah (SWT) said Pig is Haram in Islam according to His Holy Book, Quran as follows:
· Al Baqara (The Cow) 2:173
· Al Ma’idah (The Table Spread) 5: 3
· Al AnAam (The Cattle) 6: 145
· Al Nahl (The Bee) 16: 115
Why Alcohol is haram in Islam?
Intoxicants is Haram (forbidden) in Islam according to Quran through several separate verses revealed by Allah thus Alcohol is Haram (forbidden) for True Muslims to attend to prayers while intoxicated (drunk) (Quran Al Nisa, 4:43). Then a later verse was revealed by Allah Who said that alcohol contains some good and some evil, but the evil is greater than the good (Quran Al Baqara, 2:219). Finally, "intoxicants and games of chance" were called "abominations of Satan's handiwork," intended to turn people away from Allah and forget about prayer, and True Muslims were ordered to abstain (Quran Al Madiah, 5:90-91).
In the first verse quoted above, the word for "intoxicated" is derived from the word "sugar" and means intoxicated (drunk). In the next verses quoted, the word which is translated as "wine" or "intoxicants" is al-khamr (is liquids prepared by fermenting some grains or fruits so the starch or sugar will become Alcohol which include alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, whiskey).
The result is the Quran outlines that it is the intoxication, which makes the person forgetful of Allah and prayer, which are harmful. Alcoholism is not only a disease and it is Satan’s handiwork. Also, alcoholic drinks encourages unsafe sex which is prohibited in Islam.
The Prophet Muhammad said “Iman (Faith) and drinking alcohol cannot be together and a person drink an alcoholic beverage is not a believer”.
Research shows the reasons for the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants:
1. Lung infections
2. During acute alcoholic intoxication, the drunk person usually vomits
3. Pregnancy: Alcohol consumption has a severe harmful effect on the fetus and can cause low birth weight
4. Skin diseases
5. Brain damage & Stroke
6. Blurred vision
7. Slurred speech
8. Bleeding throat
9. Breathing may stop
10. Heart disease & Irregular heart beat
11. Liver disease & liver failure
12. Intestinal cancer
13. Impotence (Man) & Infertility (Woman)
14. Osteoporosis
Gambling in any form is prohibited in Islam, whether it takes place in a Casino, or it is in the form of a lottery, horse racing or card games. Any game of chance is considered gambling. If the person gambles depends on his winnings to support him thus he will gives up honesty and hard work. It involves taking away someone's money without actually earning it. The gambler puts no particular effort in order to win the money. Since the money was accumulated through the gamble money of other gamblers, taking the winning money without giving any contributions back to the contributors (other gamblers) would be no different from stealing. Islam does not endorse theft as well as the game of dice.
Allah prohibits gambling as it is addictive in nature, which drives a man to gamble his fortune and belongings away to satisfy his thirst. This addiction does not only destroy the man (gambler) himself but also his family who are likely to be dependent on him. Wealth and health can be lost and can cause the break-up of a family and lead to moral and social corruptions. Islam is all about peace and the building of families, the act gambling is against the religion.
The gambler who become addicted to his gambling thus forgets his duties and responsibilities to Allah.