
The Quran is the word of Allah. It is to be recited in the prayer.

The Quran is a record of the exact words revealed by Allah through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years when Prophet Muhammad was 40. It was memorized by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and then dictated to his Companions, and written down by scribes, who cross-checked it during his lifetime. It is the prime source of every Muslim’s faith and practice.

The Quran is not a textbook or book of medicine, but it does not contain guidance that promotes good health and healing. The Quran is a healing for the body and the soul. Whenever life becomes too difficult or we are affected by injury, illness or unhappiness, the Quran will light our way and lighten our burdens.

The text of the Quran consists of 114 chapters of varying lengths, each known as a sura. Each sura is formed from several ayat (verses), which originally means a sign or warning sent by Allah.

Not one word of its 114 chapters, Suras, has been changed over the centuries, so that the Quran is in every detail the unique and miraculous text which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord and a cure for whatever disease (i.e. The Quran) is in your hearts and a book of full of excellent guidance and a mercy and full of blessings to the believers”. (Quran Yunus, 10:57)

“And We are gradually revealing of the Quran that which is healing and a mercy for the  believers”. (Quran Al Isra, 17:82)

The difficulty that you find in reciting Qur’an will increase your hasanaat (good deeds) and rewards.

Muslim identify the Prophets of Islam as those humans chosen by Allah (SWT) and given the revelation to deliver to mankind. Muslims believe that each Prophet was given a belief to worship Allah and their respective followers believed it as well. In Muslim belief, each Prophets preached the same main belief of worshiping Allah in the prevention of Worship and Sin.

Allah sent the messengers (i.e. Prophets) to every nation. Finally, Allah sent His Last Prophet who was Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to transmit the message of the Holy Quran to the mankind.

“And We raised a Messenger among every community (teaching), “Worship Allah and shun the transgressor (Satan)”. Thus there were some among them whom Allah guided and there were some among them who were condemned to be lost. So travel in the land and behold how evil was the end of those who cried lies to the truth”. (Quran Al Nahl, 16:36)

“And indeed We have already sent Our Messengers before you. There are some of them whom We have mentioned to you and of them there are some whom We have not mentioned to you. And it is not given to a Messenger to bring a message by himself except the leave of Allah. But when the judgment of Allah come to pass the issues are settled in all fairness, and it is then that who endeavor to nullify the truth suffer the loss”. (Quran Ghafir, 40:78)

The Quran mentions only 25 Prophets by name as follows:-

-      Adam
-      Idris
-      Nuh
-      Saleh
-      Ibrahim
-      Lut
-      Ismail
-      Ishaq
-      Yaqub
-      Yusuf
-      Ayyub
-      Shuayb
-      Musa
-      Harun
-      Dhul-Kifl
-      Dawud
-      Sulayman
-      Llyas
-      Alyasa
-      Yunus
-      Zakariyya
-      Yahya
-      Isa
-      Muhammad (The Last Prophet in Islam)