Kaabah & Tasbih

The Kaabah is the place of workship which Allah commanded Prophet Abraham and his son, Ishmael to build over 4000 years ago. It is a semi-cubic shaped building inside the Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and it is most sacred site in Islam.

During daily prayers, Muslims face toward the Kaabah from wherever they are in the world (this is known as "facing the Qibla"). During the annual pilgrimage ("Hajj"), Muslims walk around around the Ka'aba in a counter-clockwise direction (a ritual known as "tawaf").

Allah commanded to be built in the shape of the House in Heaven called Baitul Ma’amoor which the Angels perform Tawaaf.

The Kaabah is said to be situated at the center of the world with the Gate of Heaven located directly above it.

"Indeed We see the turning of your face to Heaven, so We shall surely turn you to Ailba which shall like, turn your face towards the Sacred (Holy) Place of Worship (the Kaaba of Mecca) and whenever you are, turn your face towards it, and those who has given the Book must surely know that is the truth from their Lord and Allah is not at all heedless of what they do". (Quran Al Baqara, 2:144)

No one has the right to ask “Why do we face toward Kaaba and not any other selected direction for praying”. But Allah (SWT) is omniscient and He alone knows toward which direction His Noor (light) descends. Whichever direction this light is greatest, we are directed to face.

Furthermore, the secret in facing toward the direction of the Kaaba is the spirit of worship (Ibaadat), and contentment and serenity of the heart. Without this contentment, there is no spirit (rooh) exist, where we are instructed to focus our sight on the place of prostration in our prayer thus True Muslims are able to concentrate with heart and soul entirely.


What is Tasbih?

Tasbih  تسبيح  is a form of Dhikr what involves the repetitive words of short sentences to worship Allah. It is known as Prayer Beads as a reminder. It usually have either 99 or 33 beads. The 99 beads correspond to the 99 Names of Allah.

It have been used to keep counting using our right hand while saying the prayer known as Tasbih of Fatima as follows:
1.       Subhan Allah   سبحان الله    Glory be to Allah ) – repeated 33 times
2.       Alhamdulillah   الحمد لله  Praise be to Allah ) – repeated 33 times
3.       Allahu Akbar  الله أكبر    Allah is the Greatest ) – repeated 34 times

Benefits of using Tasbih, it will reminded us for Remembrance of Allah. We love to remember Allah with my heart, my hand, and my tongue.